Occupational Therapy School
Debbie Laliberte Rudman presented a seminar on “Enhancing inequities and producing precarity: The individualization of later life unemployment” at the Occupational Therapy School in August 2019.
DetailsDebbie Laliberte Rudman presented a seminar on “Enhancing inequities and producing precarity: The individualization of later life unemployment” at the Occupational Therapy School in August 2019.
DetailsAt the Trent Aging Conference, Amanda Grenier and Chris Phillipson presented a paper titled: “Austerity and Precarity: Individual and Collective Agency in Later Life” as part of the session Precarity and Aging: Understanding Changing Forms of Risk and Insecurity in Later Life.
DetailsThis project, entitled “Precarity and Aging: Unequal Experiences in Contemporary Late Life” will draw on different methods to understand and account for precarious trajectories in relation to contemporary aging, expected life course transitions and dominant success-based models of aging in Canada.