Precarity and ageing: Understanding insecurity and risk in later life

Kobayashi, K. & Khan, M. Precarity, migration and ageing. In A. Grenier, C. Phillipson, & R. A. Settersten (Eds.), Precarity and ageing: Understanding insecurity and risk in later life (pp. 115-146). Bristol: Policy Press Grenier, A., Phillipson, C., & Settersten, R. (2020). Precarity, risk and insecurity: An introduction. In A. Grenier, C. Phillipson, &…

Vieillissement Ā« actif Ā» ou Ā« prĆ©caire Ā» : du pouvoir dā€™agir aux Ć¢ges avancĆ©s

Publication: De nouvelles approches pour comprendre lā€™agentivitĆ© et le renforcement du pouvoir dā€™agir au grand Ć¢ge   Citation: Phillipson, C. (2018). Vieillissement ā€˜actifā€™ ou vieillissement ā€˜prĆ©caireā€™: De nouvelles approches pour comprendre lā€™agentivitĆ© et le renforcement du pouvoir dā€™agir au grand Ć¢ge. GĆ©rontologie et sociĆ©tĆ©, 157(40).

The conspicuous absence of the social, emotional and political aspects of frailty: The example of the White Book on Frailty

Over the last 15 years, frailty has become a dominant discourse on late life. Taken-for-granted knowledge and practice can be seen in initiatives such as the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatricsā€™ White Book on Frailty. This paper begins with an overview of key themes on frailty from the biomedical literature, followed by critical literature in the social sciences and humanities.

Precarity in late life: rethinking dementia as a ‘frailed’ old age

Book Chapter: Precarity in late life: Rethinking dementia as a ā€˜frailedā€™ old age Abstract: Approaches to ageing that are organised around productivity, success, and active late life have contributed to views of dementia as an unsuccessful, failed or ‘frailed’ old age. Operating through dominant frameworks, socio-cultural constructs and organisational practices, the ‘frailties’ of the body…

Precarity and Ageing: Understanding Insecurity and Risk in Later Life

Publication Name: Precarity and Ageing: Understanding Insecurity and Risk in Later Life Abstract: What risks and insecurities do older people face in a time of both increased longevity and widening inequality? This edited collection develops an exciting new approach to understanding the changing cultural, economic and social circumstances facing different groups of older people. Exploring…